It’s Not Even About the Flowers, But it’s Also Totally About the Flowers

Megan Schumacher
3 min readJan 26, 2023

I bought a bunch of flowers a while back. Roses, dahlias, hydrangeas, greenery. Seemingly out of nowhere there was this urgency to make a bouquet. Create something that would help me to breathe. Quench myself in a moment of simple beauty. It was a profound and desperate act wrapped inside the banal task of shopping for spinach and bread and it completely overtook me. A spacious and soothing ether to counteract the onslaught of bad news, which seemed to be all over the place, oozing tar-like out of multiple societal orifices and with…



Megan Schumacher

Toddler mama. Born again creative. Former people pleaser. Working out the fumbles of life on the page.